TruAlt Bioenergy is one of India's largest biofuels producers, strategically positioned as a prominent and diversified player in the Indian biofuels industry, primarily in the production of Ethanol.
We hold the distinction of being the largest Ethanol producer in India based on installed capacity. At present, we have the largest market share in terms of Ethanol production capacity. We are also one of the first producers of CBG under the Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation ("SATAT") scheme introduced by the Government of India in 2018. Going forward, we intend to venture into new business verticals to produce Second Generation (2G) Ethanol, Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) allied biochemicals during the manufacturing of Ethanol. With the Government of India's increased push towards the use of non-fossil fuel vehicles, we plan to set up biofuel dispensing stations.
TruAlt Bioenergy is a green energy enterprise steadfastly pursuing our objectives through a harmonious amalgamation of various policies laid out by the Government of India in its transition towards sustainable growth. From the foundational National Biofuels Policy 2018 to the strategic Ethanol Blending Program, the Pradhan Mantri JI-VAN Yojana, the SATAT initiative, and cutting-edge forays into green hydrogen and the globally significant Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation, our vision seamlessly aligns with an extensive spectrum of governmental policies.
Our purpose transcends profit, we aim to catalyze positive transformation by uplifting local economies, safeguarding the environment, and advancing sustainable mobility. By producing sustainable, lower-carbon fuels and promoting their adoption in the transportation sector, we strive to offer accessible, eco-friendly mobility solutions that help reduce the global carbon footprint. As stewards of the environment, we are committed to mitigating climate change impacts and protecting natural habitats.
1G Ethanol
Compressed Biogas
Extra Neutral Alcohol
Fermented Organic Manure
2G Ethanol
Sustainable Aviation fuel
Green Hydrogen
Dispensing Stations
Survey No. 166, Kulali Cross, Jamkhandi Mudhol Road, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India - 587313
7090250000 contact@trualtbioenergy.comUnit No. N-1501, 15th Floor, World Trade Centre, Brigade Gateway Campus, Rajajinagar, Bangalore - Karnataka, India - 560055
080 232565 7090250000